13th of may 2023
Obstructing patterns, recurring life questions, relationship problems, etc. often have their origin in the place we occupied in the family of origin. Your patterns arise in the family where you grow up. You develop your talents and your blind spots there. It is often these mechanisms that affect you later in life. A constellation can provide insight into the origin of this pattern. By looking at this, there is room for change.
Whether we like it or not, we are part of our family system and the solidarity that comes with it. As a result, conflicts, patterns and burdens can often remain in a family for generations.
These patterns can have a profound effect on your feelings, your actions in the world, your health and well-being. With the help of the constellation work, we can bring these dynamics to light and often actually change them.
In a constellation, group members are asked to act as substitutes for various persons or themes of the client. These are intuitively placed in the room, including a substitute for the client himself. The system opens up in an inexplicable way and the established representatives gain access to the experiences and relationships of the original persons or themes. The entanglements and dynamics become visible and tangible. In the next phase, solutions are sought by changing the positions of the members and by using resolving and liberating statements. It is important that the position and fate of everyone in the system is recognized and respected.
Participating in the constellations as a representative is also a profound experience that can provide insight into your own functioning and/or your own family system.
13th of may 2023
10:00 - 16:00
Kitty Talsma
Centrum Inanna
Muurhuizen 42
3811 JE Amersfoort
'Liefdevol, warm en integer..
Vanuit een veilige bedding, vanuit verbinding met jezelf en de ander ontmoet je jezelf ten diepste. Dit alles gebeurt bij Welopstellingen op een liefdevolle, warme, intuïtieve en integere wijze. Een opstelling of training bij Welopstellingen is een geschenk voor je ziel.
Birdhouse Solutions
Stovestraat 25
3811 KA Amersfoort
T 085 06 03 160